The Kristen Becker Podcast
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-Personal Development, Mindset & Psychology
-Higher Consciousness & Spiritual Growth
The Kristen Becker Podcast
Why Following The Rules Is Holding You Back (And How To Raise Your Vibration Instead)
There are so many rules in the world. But what if following the rules was actually holding you back? In this episode, I talk about how to raise your vibration by not following the rules!
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You can raise your vibration by not playing by their rules. Now, who are they? What are their rules? What are we going to do differently? Let's find out. To begin with, we want to remind ourselves that we don't just have a vibration, we are a vibration at our fundamental core that any of us are our vibrations. And when you start to really view and understand yourself, as a vibrational being, what that opens up, is the opportunity to remove all of the noise, and all of the distractions, of paradigms and conditioning. This is incredibly powerful. Now, when people are operating from the default operating system, we understand very well how the whole body works our thinking process, our behavioral processes. So if we don't stop and consider an alternative point of view, an alternative way of navigating life, we know pretty well how people are going to be influenced, and how they're going to develop beliefs and habits and how this is going to drive repeated patterns in their lives, simply from paradigms and conditioning in this collection, is what I'm referring to when I say the roles. So for example, a situation that most of us can relate to, is having a repeated experience with someone that is draining. Every time you see them or talk to them, it's just a very draining situation, maybe they're passive aggressively, kind of shaming or condemning you, or just doing something that you don't want to do that's not comfortable for you. Now, with the conditioning and the programming these rules, you kind of have to have a logical reason to ask for a change or to say something. So many people will continue to put up with this draining behavior that is creating really distortion and noise in their own vibrational field and just generally making you feel not good. Because you don't have a really good logic and reason based excuse are something that you could say or do to react to the situation or to get yourself out of the situation. And all of our conditioning and programming really reinforces this rule. Very few people are going to feel comfortable enough, speaking up and making a significant change, to care for themselves to care for their own harmony. An alternative to this is to just have one role, which is that you always make decisions for yourself based on maintaining your own vibrational harmony. This is the vibrational coherence model that I talk about so much. And it's a way of navigating life. And it really takes you completely outside of all of those really distracting and dysfunctional patterns that come along with paradigms and conditioning. And empowers you to just simply say, hey, if it's going to support my vibrational harmony, I'm leaning into it. If it's going to take away from my vibrational harmony, and create noise, distraction, Discord chaos, then I am choosing to lean away from it. This is such a simple and empowering practice. And what you will find as you start putting it into practice, so many wonderful things happen. You have an instant increase in confidence. What you're really doing when you're doing this is caring for yourself, right? This is just the ultimate in self love and self care really builds confidence very quickly, and also really raises your vibration very quickly. Because what else is happening along with this is radical shifts in your beliefs in your own programming, in your emotions, and your feelings, and just how you feel in general about yourself and the world. And all that the world holds for you. Right, all the possibilities and all the power that you really do have be in charge of your own life. Such a simple thing. And it's so powerful. So go out there and look for ways to put this into practice in your everyday life. And I'll talk to you again in the next episode.