The Kristen Becker Podcast
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The Kristen Becker Podcast
The Power of Affirmations: Florence Scovel Shinn Style
Florence Scovel Shinn was a well-known spiritual teacher from the early 1900s who taught about the power of affirmations. In this episode we break down 2 of her most powerful affirmations and look at how they really can transform your life!
Enjoy this guided Florence Scovel Shinn Affirmation collection:
Florence Scovel Shinn 432 hz Affirmations to Move Mountains
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Florence Scovel Shinn had an absolutely delightful, I think, really Maverick mind a maverick way of going about manifesting principles and concepts. And she was a member of the New Thought era in the early 1900s. You may have read her book, The Game of Life and how to play it or some of the others, and be familiar with her teachings. What I thought would be really fun today is just take a couple of her affirmations and break them down because it is so interesting, especially since a lot of the work of the new thought era people you know, it's a little bit before most of our time, I happen to have been raised my grandparents so I really love the language, and just the way they think and the way they speak. And then I also like to look at it and put it through a filter of more modern filters. So I thought that'd be fun today. I also created on YouTube affirmations called to move mountains based all on Florence Scovel, Shinn, affirmations. But let's go ahead and jump in and talk about a few of these, they are just fascinating. Now, here's one I love. All enemy, thoughts are wiped out, I am victorious. Now, what does that mean? When we break it down, all enemy thoughts are wiped out. Now oftentimes, we think of an enemy as being something outside of ourselves, right? That's an interesting word. And in fact, if you were going to crossover a little bit here, I believe it was Neville Goddard, or it might have been towered, who talks about from the Bible, the meaning of to sin is really just to miss the mark. And to be righteous is to be your authentic, whole true self. And that's a really different perspective. So but with that in mind, then it's fun to think about this, all enemy, thoughts are wiped out. And so those enemy thoughts are things that keep you from being your truest and best and highest self. And that's all any of us want to be in when we are that person. This is when miracles happen. This is when we are confident this is when we really can achieve anything. And any thoughts that really keep us from loving ourselves, trusting ourselves, having faith in ourselves, believing in possibilities, believing in what is possible for us. These are things I would categorize as this, all enemy thoughts. And when they're wiped out, then you've removed all the obstacles to your success. You really, really have we understand this so deeply now, how our own ideas and beliefs and mindset really are our own biggest obstacles of truly showing up in the world as our very best selves. Now, this is so incredibly powerful, I hope you're as excited as I am just even start thinking about that. And that is just one of her many, many wonderful affirmations. Let's look at another one. I love this one. And it's also fun to talk about relative to the last one we just talked about. I am harmonious poised and magnetic, I draw to myself my own. Now think about that last line, I draw to myself on my own relative to the affirmation that we just talked about, and being your own highest and best self. When you are magnetically attracting to yourself only that which is you. This is a whole win, right? You can't lose with that it's all win. And she says I am harmonious now you've probably listened to my other podcasts or watch my YouTube videos. And you know how much I believe in vibrational coherence. We all have our own naturally harmonious and coherent vibrational state of being. And whenever we navigate life with that as our priority, we're really setting the stage for awesome things to happen. And she says poised and magnetic. So of course, we're all magnetic, we're attracting to the things vibrationally that are aligned with our vibrations, our frequencies. But when you're in this harmonious poised state, you're only going to draw to yourself that which you are that which is your very highest state. So again, I might have ever talked that one. But let's just read it again. I am harmonious poised and magnetic. I now draw to myself my own. You could take this and just write it down and look at it every day to set your intention for the day. And think of all the tiny little choices that you would make different during the day with the power of this affirmation, setting the tone for the perspective from which you're approaching your day and beginning your day. I really enjoyed doing this actually, it took longer than I thought I thought I'd have time to talk about more than two affirmations. As I mentioned, I do have a Florence Scovel Shinn affirmation on my YouTube channel which I will put the link in the show notes for you. And I've had so much fun doing this. I think I might actually do it again and possibly with some others of hers and some of my other favorite teachers and new thought era especially love them. So that's it for today. I hope you have an absolutely spectacular day. And I will talk to you again in the next episode.