How to Make a Vibration-Based Vision Board (And Why You Should!)
•Kristen Becker•Season 3•Episode 52
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00:00 | 05:30
A vision board is a powerful manifestation tool because it amplifies your vibration. The thing is, you want to be sure you are amplifying the vibrations that are aligned with what you do want! Listen now to learn more.
Regardless of the method that you use to make your vision board, it is working like the Wi Fi repeater in your house, amplifying and boosting the vibrational signal that it was created from. Now, a vibration based vision board is all about your what's your why's and your wins. Because if you're living for the later you are living in lack, and amplifying that signal, but when you are creating from a place of expansion, you become unstoppable. So let's unpack that. Now, I know that my first vision board that I made probably 12 or 15 years ago, was all about living for the later, I focused on what I felt I did not have and would like to have in my life later. And that was indeed the vibration that was reflected back to me. However, when you create your vision board, from a place of expansion, you are recognizing and getting clarity on your best and your highest self. And you're just tuning into an amplifying that which is already inside of you that which is already a part of you who you really are, and your true vision for yourself. So with this clarity, you continue to amplify that frequency around these ideas, this identity, the beliefs that support it, and you and you very quickly find yourself becoming convicted. And the moment of conviction is really the pivotal point when it comes to your vibration. And when this happens, your vision board is no longer something that you look at, you think, oh man, that'd be nice. I can't wait for that cetera, et cetera, you look at it, and you start to see a reflection of who you really are. And this is just so incredibly powerful, I probably don't have to tell you what a high vibration experience this is, you can watch the full video that I made on YouTube to get all of the details about how to make a vibration based vision board. But I'm going to also unpack it for you here. In a nutshell. It works like this to begin with, you're not focusing on the how, and the how is usually how we traditionally approach vision boards, thinking about how something's going to show up in our lives and finding symbols of that. And one thing that I've learned without question is that the universe has such better plans for me than I could ever make for myself. And then when we get clear on the what, and we are just dialing into our self image, our worthiness and all of the really exciting and wonderful feelings that are associated with this, and the types of experiences that resonate with this. And this is so vibrationally powerful. Whereas when you focus on the how this resonates with our sense of lack and focusing on the what resonates with our sense of expansion. So the first question you ask yourself is, what areas do you want to expand further into in your life. And for most people, these revolve around the big ones, the variations of health, wealth, love and creative self expression. And once you have clarity on your What's that you want to start focusing on your why's. Now these are unique to everyone in every situation. But just to give you a personal example, for me, one of my biggest why's is my boys, because I know that everything that I do in life is teaching them through modeling. And it's important to me to be a model right for the kind of life experiences that I want to empower them to envision for themselves, and to have the skills to develop for themselves to live their best lives. So very frequently, my boys are at the top of my wine list. Now this next step is really the most powerful, and definitely the most unique from typical vision boarding experiences. And this is all about the winds. What you do here is you just take a few minutes to reflect on all the ways that you have already laid the foundation for your what's all the ways that you have showed up in life to support your what's and your why's. So often we don't take the time to stop and recognize how far we've come, how capable we are, how much we've already done for ourselves. So I'm sure you can just begin to imagine how vibrationally powerful this is and And you can also start to see why this process is so much more powerful than most traditional vision boarding approaches. So watch the full video for step by step directions for the exercise, and also for how to find just the right images and how to put it all together. The link is in the show notes, and most importantly, make yours go out and make it today. Have fun with it. And I'll talk with you again in the next episode.