The Kristen Becker Podcast
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-Personal Development, Mindset & Psychology
-Higher Consciousness & Spiritual Growth
The Kristen Becker Podcast
Why You Should Ditch New Year's Resolutions For This Better Alternative
Let's be honest, New Year's resolutions don't work- but this does! In this episode, you will discover why using Vibrational Coherence as your life navigation tool will take you further, faster than any resolution ever could!
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Every year, millions of people set new year's resolutions, even though statistically we know that 80% of those are going to drop off. I think the statistics say by February that most people have dropped their resolutions and taking action towards their resolutions. And rather than picking something that you already know you've struggled with, right that you haven't figured out the right mechanism to make that work for you, instead, utilize vibrational coherence as your life navigation tool. I have been doing this for a solid year now, what an amazing breath of fresh air, it completely changes how I live my life. Now, if you think about the comparison of someone piloting a vehicle, right, a plane, a car or whatever, they have all these navigational instruments. And when you know how to use the instruments, the whole process goes much more smoothly, more of the way you intended it to do when you got into the vehicle. And for us, as human beings, our vibrational coherence, or vibrational harmony is our primary navigation tool, we can feel it, what I found is, the more that you use this as your navigational tool, the more you realize, Wow, I really can feel this. It's very clear, and very straightforward. And it saves you from going down these paths for long periods of time that just don't serve you that aren't a good fit that don't feel good. When you could have instead really early on, started saying Oh, this isn't aligned with me. This doesn't give me harmony or bring harmony into my life. And that's the primary way you use vibrational coherence as your life navigation tool, you'll look at any choice or decision you're going to make and say, Well, does this get me into or closer to my own vibrational coherence, and we can feel that. And what we're not doing when we do this, is we're not letting other people outside situations, ideas, opinions, manipulate our choices for ourselves, we're making them based on our own well being right. And this is not selfish. It's so funny to see people, you know, initially rack like, well, you know, you're just thinking of yourself, yes, I suggest that you do the same. Because when we prioritize ourselves and empower ourselves to bring our very best self out into the world, it has a ripple effect. We touch and influence so many people and so many lives from that empowered place. And if you think about your focus, your energy, your attention, your lifeforce, and how much of it has been squandered. And you look back and think, oh, man, I wish I hadn't done that or spent so much time going down that path. And conversely, when you make this choice early on to better focus, your lifeforce, your energy, your attention, you bring so much good into the world, for yourself and for all the people whose lives you touch in any way and all the things you do in life. And I think it's easy, easier to understand with an example. And I can give you three from yesterday. Number one, a friend of mine reached out and asked me to do some things. Well, I just checked in with my vibration, it was a full body No, from start to finish. I didn't even have to think about it. And I said, No, thank you. I have budgeted my time. And I'm not going to do that end of story. And then about an hour later, somebody else reached out with another suggestion. Would I like to do something? That was an instant? Yes. I could tell you all the reasons it appealed to me. But I don't have to because I felt initially oh my gosh, yes. And I responded and said yes. Thank you so much, I will definitely be there. And then the third interesting example I was walking around the store and I overheard a conversation a man was having on the phone while he was shopping. And apparently whomever he was speaking with was very unhappy and uncomfortable. And was telling him this because he was saying things like, oh, you know, you don't feel good, you're unhappy? Why? Why? Tell me why what happened? Then there would be silence while the person I guess was justifying, explaining trying to give rational things. And he didn't he wasn't buying it. He didn't like what he was hearing. So in essence, he was in validating that person's experience that person's feelings. And I thought, Oh, wow, I've been in that position myself where I just tried to say, hey, this isn't working for me. And then the person comes back with all these reasons why my desire for comfort is invalid. And when you use vibrational coherence, and just hey, I'm keeping myself together here I'm keeping myself in harmony. This isn't a good fit. And it also helps I have found through my experience of this last year, to bypass all of that kind of resentment and anger towards the other person which is a natural feeling to have right, and really empowers come confidence and taking ownership like, Hey, this is what I'm doing. You know, if you don't like it, that's fine. But this is what I'm doing. And I thought it was really important to share this around the new year, because I have been doing it for a whole year and the change has just been magnificent and is a breath of fresh air because that's exactly what it feels like. I can't even really wrap my head around how I used to navigate life and why. Because this is just so wonderful. It has empowered me in so many ways. So I invite you to do it yourself. Now I always say go out and have the experiences because just getting fascinated by something or learning about something is thinking about it. However, when you experiment with that in your own life, that's when you have knowing right you know for yourself like yeah, this is a great fit or no, this isn't a good fit for me. So go out and put that into practice in your life and absolutely have the best year ever. I'll talk to you soon.