The Kristen Becker Podcast
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-Personal Development, Mindset & Psychology
-Higher Consciousness & Spiritual Growth
The Kristen Becker Podcast
The 20% Rule: How to Manifest High-Vibration Relationships
If you're looking to manifest high-vibration relationships, the 20% rule is your best bet. In this episode, I'll explain what that means and how to put it into practice in your own life. By following these simple steps, you'll be well on your way to attracting healthy and fulfilling relationships into your life.
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This is a very simple and profound concept that, if you put it into practice will change all of your relationships, and your life in the most incredible way. Now, it's based on something that Dr. David Hawkins, who was the pioneer of consciousness, he wrote a lot of amazing books, letting go, and power versus force. And this is something that he shares in all of his books. And it's looking at the scale of consciousness, or the scale of emotions. And the idea that 80% of people in this whole entire world, spend their whole entire lives below 200 on the scale, and will only move five points up the scale during their whole entire life. So we're talking about the bulk of people in this world. And what happens on the lower parts of the scale is fear is anger. And a lot of emotions that while they do have their place, if you are continually moving up the scale to recognize them, for what they are, if you stay stuck in the loop in those places, you're stuck in life in anybody's life who engage with is going to be a part of that process as well. Now, let's think about the other 20% of people do move further and further up the scale. And what I found both in using this and reflecting on it, by the way, my manifesting scale is based on this, I'll put a link in the show notes because it's free, download it and use it, I use it. But what I have found is, I might be at a lower part of the scale in a certain situation, or a certain area of my life. But I recognize it, and I recognize what I need to do to move up the scale. So it's not a toe total thing, I guess, I would say. But you can definitely be in different parts of the scale and different places of your life. But being aware of that empowers you to say, oh, okay, well, I don't want to hang out here, I see that it has its role that it plays. And interestingly, the pivotal area in the scale is courage. And that just makes sense. Because you have to have courage to change your circumstances in life, right? To change your relationships. And the word relationships brings me back to my whole point here. Which is, you know, we got to just say, hey, there's only 20% of people in this world who can who are able to show up in relationships in this growth oriented way. The other 80% are stuck in the loop. But the good news is there's what billions of people in the world I didn't look it up a lot of means 20% of billions is plenty, right? More than enough. And so with this in mind, you can look for the 20% people. And as you get to know people just identify Is this a 20% person because I would feel more comfortable investing, my friendship, my relationship, whatever my lifeforce into a 20% person because I know that we can help each other we can lift each other up and grow together. And there's a lot of room for transformation and not just being stuck in that loop, right of the being under 200 on the scale. It's just an idea, you know, look at relationships and situations and ask yourself, Is this the 20% person? Do I want to look a little more for 20% people to surround myself with in all areas of life, friendships, business, relationships, everything, because you know, you're gonna have synergy, you're gonna have transformation, you're gonna have growth. So that's just a little something for you to think about and consider put into practice in your life as you go throughout your day and just evaluate relationships that you're having and whether or not they're a good match for you. Right. Have fun with it. And I'll talk to you again soon.