The Kristen Becker Podcast
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-Personal Development, Mindset & Psychology
-Higher Consciousness & Spiritual Growth
The Kristen Becker Podcast
How To Achieve Vibrational Coherence For Faster Manifesting
To manifest your desires into reality, you need to be in vibrational coherence. This means that your thoughts, emotions, and actions are all aligned with what you want to create. In this episode, I share a simple technique for achieving vibrational coherence and manifesting your goals!
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I talk about vibration so much. And I use it as my primary life navigation tool. And of course, our vibration is how we exchange information with everything in the universe. It dictates our actual well being right, both physically and mentally, and our abundance and our vitality and what we attract into our life, what resonates with us, and we allow and keep in our lives. But it can be kind of hard to understand like, Well, gosh, what is vibration? What can I do to understand it? How does it work? How is my frequency being determined? And that's what I wanted to touch on today. In this episode, there are many other cultures and many other points in time, where understanding and interacting with vibration was a really, I guess, well known or it's kind of how people roll, right? They just intuitively knew it because they didn't know anything different. But for us, especially in the last 100 250 years, we've really gotten away from it. And therefore it can seem new, like what What's this new talk about vibration? It's not new at all. It's very well understood. But as far as our own frequency, well, gosh, where does my frequency come from? And a very easy way to start understanding that and breaking that down, is to I like to think of it like a ladder. I like using the analogy of a ladder, because we can sort of see it from the foundations all the way up to the top. And it's something that I use in my 369 manifesting journal. So you'll see it there, at the bottom of the ladder is our intentions. So often, we don't even consider what our actual intentions are. And a great example of this is, if I'm having what appears to be a friendly enough conversation with someone, but say, I'm still holding some resentment against them about something, the intentions with which I come into that conversation are on that frequency, right? Even though the words that are coming out of my mouth might seem fine enough, my actual intentions are on a very different frequency. And then we have beliefs. Beliefs are so important, especially when you're seeking to evolve in some way in life. If you fundamentally hold the belief that this is really hard, people like me, don't succeed at this, you are absolutely not going to achieve that you must update your beliefs, which, by the way, I already mentioned my 369 journal in my manifesting planner that's all about updating your beliefs. And next after beliefs, we have emotions, emotions are really indicators of our frequency. Because we were wondering, well, what frequency Am I on? Look at your emotions that you're feeling in a specific situation around a specific topic. And just generally, this is why I also like to remind people, it's so important to have a system for processing and releasing our emotions. It's fine to have them write, process and release, let them out of your vibrational field. And next we have thoughts. We all have control over our thoughts. Let's say I have a challenging experience, I didn't release my emotions. And therefore, I keep going back to the experience and thinking about it, thinking about all the reasons why my feelings are valid, or somebody else's bad guy, that sort of thing. Those thoughts are are creating my frequency contributing to maintaining the frequency that I am currently on. And I can choose alternative thoughts. This is why reframing is so wonderful, I can look at a challenging situation and say, yeah, that sucked, oh, my gosh. However, I also grew in all these ways, all this clarity about myself and what I'm capable of. And so by reframing, I am reframing also my frequency. Next we have behavior. And this is another thing that we all have control over little things that we do, you look at the choices that you make the behaviors that you have during the day, and you can start to understand the correlation to how they are supporting a frequency that you're currently on. Or how you can shift them to move yourself into a new frequency. A great example of behavior is driving because so many people think of, you know, their whatever multitone vehicle as an extension of their identity. Things can get weird when people are driving. Let's say somebody's sort of jockeying around and you're going to kind of get in front of me, right? One behavior that I could do could be to speed up to have them on and give them the finger. Do something to stop them from doing that. And I'm not saying that that is a right or wrong behavior. I'm just saying that's one option. Another behavior that I could choose to do is to say, well, they must be stressed out. I'm running late for work, whatever, and slow down a little to let them in and think about the Different frequencies, those two choices of behavior earlier in my life having been in the first example, right, and then just to discipline and saying, You know what, it's not worth it, I did, you know, I don't need to be upset about this, I'm just saying, Go ahead, having some compassion, I don't know what they're dealing with. And it's really interesting, because so often the person will wait, and then I get all excited, I'm like, I got a wave. It's just a simple little example. But think about the difference of frequencies of those two choices in behavior. And when you consistently choose a behavior that's aligned with the frequency you want to be on it then becomes your natural autopilot, you will do that naturally, without thinking about it. And without feeling bad about it. However, you do have to discipline yourself to get over that hump. And then the last thing on the ladder at the top of the ladder is environment. Now I'm talking physical environment and your social environment. This is so huge, because we become attune to the frequencies that we are surrounded by this includes people, their beliefs, their their behaviors, everything they do, and our physical environment, just like you would declutter your house, and it feels great, and you can feel that energy, right? Sometimes you want to also declutter your social environment as well. I hope that this analogy of a ladder helps you to better understand how your frequency is created, and all the things that you have available to you to shift your frequency. It's really fun. You know, I'm gonna say go out and do it. Explore this in your own life, because thinking about something is just thinking about actually doing it and exploring it. Now that's nailing and go ahead and do it. And I'll talk to you super soon.