The Kristen Becker Podcast
You've got this!
-Personal Development, Mindset & Psychology
-Higher Consciousness & Spiritual Growth
The Kristen Becker Podcast
When THIS Happens in Your Life, You Become Unstoppable
What kind of magic empowers you to turn any situation into something amazing?
In this episode, I share a personal story of chaos and how it led to one of the greatest realizations in my life. This is a story about the magic that contributes to becoming unstoppable.
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Have you ever had someone believe in you so deeply, that it changed absolutely everything for you. In a flash, you suddenly take full ownership of how capable you really aren't you suddenly Believe in yourself more than you have ever believed in yourself before. And in the frequency and vibration of this moment, you are able to achieve absolutely incredible things. And that's exactly what happened for me when a random person in a muddy field turned into a parking lot believed in me. I was at a music festival in the Blue Ridge Mountains. And this two day record breaking rainstorm moved in, it flooded the whole entire event. The only way that you could get around was literally to walk barefoot in the mud, with mud up to the calves of your leg and the suction of each step every time you pulled your foot out of the mud and took another sloppy step. You know, it was slow, it was loud, it was wet. It was muddy. It was like crawling, basically. But that was the situation we ran, the rainstorm came in out of nowhere. So the first wave of people had this reaction, just to freak out and leave like oh my gosh, gotta get out of here. And this turned out to be a complete disaster. Because what happened was they had parked us all in these beautiful rolling grassy hills, hills and valleys. You might say it was a field, but it was a field that had hills and valleys a rolling field in the mountains. And that's what they were using for parking lots for 1000s of cars. And with this mud, this flash flood, it literally turned into a bonafide crash up Derby, all these people unsupervised trying to leave sliding around crashing into each other. So I'd heard the horror stories about the parking lot, right, the parking fields. And I thought, heck, now I'm just gonna wait it out. Now the cool thing is the festival had offered to host everyone for a bonus night they had food, they had beer, they had bands in these tents up on these hills that were relatively dry, I was all in it was a no brainer. And then when it finally came time to leave, I hopped on the shuttle with all my stuff, went to see what I was going to find with the situation with my little truck in the field. Again, I'd heard all these horror stories like about cars actually being demolished and just sliding into each other that there was piles of cars. And that was actually what I found. In fact, a lot of people had actually abandon their wrecked cars. I mean, they had to they just couldn't get them out of the mud. They were all just crashed together. And I'm sharing this you can start to visualize this. What used to be a somewhat orderly parking field, right was just a free for all cars, everywhere, mud everywhere it was off the hook. And so here I stand six hours away from my dry, comfortable warm home, right? Soaking, wet, muddy, tired, I just was like, I gotta get out of this mud pit. And I gotta get onto that road, right? So I can go to the highway so I can go home. And that's where I met parking girl. I don't know if she was a festival employee or just a volunteer, but oh my gosh, parking girl changed my life. I will up in tears when I think about parking girl might do it while I'm recording this. So what happened at first was she was schooling me about what I needed to do to have a hope of getting out of this situation. So she said, keep your eyes on where you want to be. Don't break. always just keep accelerating and moving toward where you want to be. Keep going. Don't hate anything, you've got this. Now, if that's not the most incredible life advice ever, I don't know what is. But in this situation, I was still just focused on getting out of this muddy parking field. So I walked up to the hill. I got into my little Jeep Patriot you know, had all my stuff, my coolers all my things. I put all those in there, I got this absolute death grip on the wheel. And before I hit the gas and started down that hill, that muddy Hill, I repeated her instructions in my mind. Keep your eyes on where you want to be. Don't break. Always keep accelerating and moving where you want to be. Keep going. Don't hit anything. You've got this. That's all I could think over and over again. It was an absolutely insane experience. There was other people traveling through the space doing the same thing that I was doing. There were crashed up cars everywhere. And it really felt like the muddy downhill slope just kind of wanted to lead towards them right To take you towards the crash of cars like a magnet, but I kept accelerating, I kept navigating. And while this was happening, because I was so focused, all I could really hear was the blood rushing through my head, I kept my eyes on the edge of the field that were the field lead out into the road, I knew where I was going, and I think probably wasn't even breathing. I just had the grip on the steering wheel, I was focused on that edge where I'm going to pull out onto the road. And honestly, I was scared, I was doubtful, I felt like it was pretty much just random chance as to whether I was going to safely navigate to that edge and pull out onto the road, or end up with my little silver Jeep Patriot just crashed into the other cars waiting for a tractor and then figure that all out, we'll see. So the funny thing is, in situations like these, your senses really shut down. And that's important, I guess, because then there's no distracting data coming in from the outside. So this is all happening. And I started to realize that I hear someone kind of yelling really loud started to get my attention. So I sort of scanned the periphery with my vision. And I see that girl, parking girl, and she is jumping up and down and she is pumping her fists in the air I am seriously welling up with tears, because I'm reliving that moment. And she was yelling, Go patriot, go, go Patriot go. I can't even say this because I'm crying. It was so wonderful. And for me, that might as well been a whole entire stadium of people on their feet, cheering me on because something clicked inside of me. And at that very moment, all I could see was my goal fulfilled, was me successfully pulling out onto that road, there was absolutely no doubt in my mind, from that moment forward. And this whole business of traversing the remainder of the space between me and the road was now just a technicality. Suddenly, I was confident. I was actually even really enjoying the thrill now of zigging and zagging through the mud through the cars accelerating, feeling those back wheels like spinning a bit and then gripping. And then hearing her yelling go Patria go. And that was fading off into the distance because I was doing it. All of this is happening. And then I find myself coming out of the mud on to the country road, the last back slip on my wheels, as I get full traction on the road, and just motor on down that road. Now's the time to ask ourselves, what kind of magic was going on here? And how can I bring more of that magic into my own life. Part of the magic is what was going on in her heart. She truly and deeply wanted me to succeed as much as I did. And this is an incredibly powerful heart energy, that when you feel it, and I hope that you have it is energetically powerful. You can physically feel it. You can sense your beliefs about yourself, and what's possible in your life shifting. And you can sense the vibrational environment shifting is truly truly magical. Look for places where you do this in your own life. I know that I do it for my sons, I do it for my very dear friends. And when they are really digging deep and expanding into a new place in their life or maybe working through a challenge, I feel that energy welling up in my heart I can hear myself saying go Patric go if I had not had that experience in the parking lot. I don't know that I would have the awareness to realize how powerful this is. What an absolutely stunning and miraculous gift this is that we can give to each other. And it's also the greatest joy to do. Now with so many people being distracted by so many things in this world. It's even more magical when you could just stop and support someone with your love with your heart energy with your go patriot. Yeah. And on the flip side of this, is to let people do this for you. If parking lot girl would have come up to me and said, Oh, would it be helpful if I stand on the hill and cheer you on? I definitely would have been like, Oh, hell no, I've got this right. But having had that experience, now, when someone offers to support me, when someone starts cheering for me, I let it happen. I appreciate it. So it goes both ways. And the cool thing is, all you really have to do is just to be aware of it, just let it happen. So for fun today, look around your life and find someone you can support with your heart energy. Imagine yourself being the one yelling, Go Patriot go and wanting them to succeed as much as they want to succeed or maybe even more. This is more than magical. This is a high vibrational gift that you give yourself and that you give other people