The Kristen Becker Podcast
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The Kristen Becker Podcast
The Secret to Releasing Your Death Grip on Mediocrity and Making a Quantum Leap
Discover what Bob the squirrel can teach you about breaking free from mediocrity and making a quantum leap. So if you're ready to start living your best life, listen to this episode now!
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What does a squirrel have to do with making the kind of quantum leaps in life? That leave people speechless? Hmm, let's find out. Now listen, we all grapple with the universal struggle to overcome fear of change. So we can expand our horizons, so we can achieve our real potential in life. So we can say, not today, Satan, to the slow death, by mediocrity that so many people succumb to. And despite this universal struggle, there are some people that just take quantum leaps time and time again, and make it look so easy. What are they doing differently? And how can you do more of what they're doing to get the same results? Well, let's talk about that squirrel. His name was Bob, at least that's what I started calling him, you know, when I found him, burying himself in a very large mound of mulch that was around a bush. Now, this was about 20 years ago. So Bob's head was sticking out. But most of his body was under the mulch, and he was using his adorable little arms and to pull the mulch up over himself and cover the rest of his body. Now, this was just the strangest thing. I was curious. And obviously, I've thought an awful lot about Bob and the mulch over all of these years. And the odd thing is, over these 20 years, what I've noticed is that I think about Bob, burying himself in the mulch. Whenever I'm starting to make a big leap, or a transition in my own life, I always come back to Bob. And when you understand why it's going to empower you to make those quantum leaps in absolute record time, this is what I have seen in my own life, the time for this wonderful transformation is just getting shorter and shorter. Now, I do the same thing that Bob did, I get my BB on, I go dark, I get quiet, metaphorically, sort of covering myself with mulch under a bush. And for the people outside of me, this might look like a sign of a problem, people might be reaching out to say, Hey, are you okay? And I'm like, Yeah, I'm actually better than ever. When you really step back for a moment and think about this, it makes perfect sense. Because just like seasons change, just like that caterpillar becomes a butterfly. And just like every philosophical and religious parable that we hear, involves some form of really death and rebirth. And what this means is, we have to let go of things. And we have to be willing to let go of things and move away from them certain aspects of ourselves certain things in our lives, so that we can create the conditions for the new self to emerge. Now, this is the opposite of what we're really taught and railroaded into doing in life. Everything that we are taught in life, and that we learn through our conditioning is the opposite of this. It's all about holding on to everything with this death, grip, and desperation. And this is a direct contrast to the natural flow of things and evolution in life. All things evolve. So when you have that death, grip, and desperation that you think you're holding on to something, what you're actually doing is you're holding yourself back, because you're not creating the conditions in which you can evolve. And it's scary. I mean, we started this whole conversation talking about that universal fear that we all face of not wanting to change for some reason, right? We just feel that way we don't want to change. So when I find myself in this place, feeling these feelings. I like to think of the caterpillar, the caterpillar gets into the cocoon, it's ready to turn into a pile of goo. And actually the cells fight it, they don't want to change and that's just shows you how normal this is how natural This is. And then the reason they do is because another type of cell comes into the process. And I am not making this up, look it up. These cells are called imaginal cells. So when these imaginal cells arrive on the scene, that is when everything starts to change, and the imaginal cells are what give the directions to the cells to do all the things they need to do to form the butterfly. So it's important to allow yourself this process So, so often we want to stay the old person, right but still have the change, still have the new situation but stay the old person. Like we're just gonna slip into it and poof, everything's all the sudden unicorns and butterflies. But there is this Bob in the mulch time, right? That is very important, bawled in the mulch is the caterpillar in the cocoon. And this is when and where the magic really happens. It really, really is. And, you know, we just so often we want to skip it, we get frustrated, we don't want to go through it, and then there's never any change. But the real reason nothing changes is because we keep staying the same. No, Bob, no butterfly. That's just how it is. You've got to have the courage to embrace the unknown. If you're going to expand into your best self and into your best life. Listen, our horizons are not going to change when our habits don't change. If you see the same people every day, if you do the same things every day, you're gonna live the same life. I call this the so so you're gonna love it. Same old, same old, the so so. So if you've got a death grip on the so so well, then your life is also going to be so so same old, same old, no Bob, no butterfly. The quantum leaps, the really big leaps, the ones that you love, the ones that you brag about, the ones that you could not even imagine living your life without. They all begin in unfamiliar places in life. Those Bob moments when you're burying yourself in the mulch, and you say, you know, I'm just gonna take a step back, take a moment here to reimagine myself, come out, renewed, rejuvenated, reimagined, re born. We all do this so many times over in our lives. Evolution is the very nature and the very joy of living it really really is. Not so So evolution and if you're willing to invest in some Bob time, you can make it happen faster and faster for yourself. I absolutely promise you this. When you find your life getting a little stale, please just remind yourself, no so so. No, Bob, no butterfly. Change is good. I will release my death grip on this also allow myself to take a quantum leap. I can do this. I want to do this