The Kristen Becker Podcast
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-Personal Development, Mindset & Psychology
-Higher Consciousness & Spiritual Growth
The Kristen Becker Podcast
From Skepticism to Belief: Overcoming Doubts in Manifestation
In this episode, we explore the topic of manifestation and how to overcome doubts and skepticism about whether or not manifesting even works when trying to manifest your desires. We start by discussing what manifestation is and how it works, including some common misconceptions about it.
Next, we offer practical tips and strategies for overcoming skepticism and building belief in the power of manifestation.
Overall, this episode aims to help listeners shift from a mindset of doubt to one of belief and empowerment when it comes to manifestation. Whether you're a seasoned manifestor or just starting out, you're sure to gain valuable insights and inspiration from this episode.
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Do you have doubts about manifesting? Do you ask yourself? Does this really even work? Is it worth all of the effort? And all of the time? Can I really live a way more fulfilling life? If I commit to exploring this and the input that I have into my life? I know that I did when I first started exploring manifesting related concepts. And I don't have to tell you that the naysayers really come out of the woodwork and line up to scare you back into living this agreed upon collective mediocrity that most people call life. And I remember what it was like to deal with that, and really grappling with my own sense of, do I even believe this, you know, what am I doing here? Why am I doing this? And then, you know, you start wondering, what are the payoffs? What could things be like, further down the road, if I continue to go down this path? Now, if all of this is resonating with you, then this episode is definitely for you? Because we're going to unpack that? And this particular choice in life? Like do I go all in? Do I commit to manifesting and learning about it, I call it research and research. And it reminds me of this Seinfeld episode. And in this one particular episode, he went to a restaurant, and he was really conflicted, wondering, you know, do I order the same dish that I always order? Which I know is going to be good? I know, I'm gonna like it? Or do I take a chance? And do I order something different? That's really how it is when you're at this phase with manifesting because you're like, Well, I can see that people are sort of giving me the side I acting a little odd, I don't feel like I have a lot of social support. My social stuff is important to me. I'm pretty comfortable, I guess this is okay. And I'll figure it out and whatever, right? But then you're like, I don't know, man. If some of the things that I'm hearing are true, and the stories that people tell and how their lives have transformed, then I might have a lot of awfully amazing things to look forward to. If I get on this path. So it's like, do you order the dish that you always order that you know, is pretty good? Or do you take a chance and order something different? And my hope for you is that after listening to this episode, that you'll have a lot more clarity for yourself as to what the answer to that question is. Now the first thing I'd like to talk about is when I use this word manifesting, and you can't see me now, but I assure you, I have air quotes going on with both ends. It's really just a bigger container for the idea of exploring the creative input that we have into the nature of our lives into the direction of our lives. So I know a lot of people hear that word. And because I've seen it used in certain ways, thinks that it's some magic method or technique. And poof, it's like rubbing the Magic Lantern. But when I talk about manifesting, I am talking about it in terms of alternative ways of, I guess, having our creative input into our lives that we aren't taught in our society. And let's begin by looking at the big picture. I think we can all agree that life, this experience this existence, what we know and what we don't know. However it works, there is a way in which it all works. And however, that way is that all of this works, is not going to change, because someone has just the right name for it, or just the right method, or has perfected just the right ideology. And what I'm really saying here is that there is no right or wrong, there is just continuing to discover your own truth, which happens through your experiences. So you get more clarity and truth and understanding on your creative input into your life, what you can manifest how that works, simply through your own experience. And that brings me to the second point that I wanted to make about this. Everything in life hinges on experience, you can hear a really cool idea or read something cool or watch an amazing video, nothing in your life is going to change. Because of that. You are only going to experience change and experience manifesting when you take action. And there are an infinite number of ways to have these experiences. As I've already stated there is no right or wrong. Just like people from different parts of the world, like different food, they have different cultures, they speak different languages, they wear different clothes, they live entirely different lives. same holds true for finding the truth in manifesting for you. You literally can't mess this up. And there is no right or wrong. And something I like to remind you that is I think a universal truth is that if it feels good leaning to it. If it doesn't feel good, then lean away from it. This is you know, really vibrational coherence that I'm always talking about and We all have the freedom to make that choice for ourselves. And third, you want to ask yourself, Am I ready to commit? Do I want to commit? Am I going to go all in. And when you're not committed, you are hesitant, your heart's not in it, you're not vibrationally engaged you half trying half hearted. And this isn't to say that somebody's half trying, that's probably not the best choice of words on my part. But a lot of people will sort of dip their toe in the manifesting water. And it does take time to gain the understanding to gain the belief to gain the confidence. And if your heart's really not in it, it's going to take a lot more time. And you're going to have less success early on. So it's important to just decide within yourself, am I committed? Am I going to confidently explore this idea of manifesting? And a suggestion that I have for you to do that, is to just ask yourself the very simple question, what if, and that's a two sided coin? What does your future look like? If you continue to subscribe to your current mindset, your current point of view your current habits, your current beliefs? Maybe that's okay. I'm not saying that it's not okay. I'm saying ask your self that question. If I do this, if I just everything stays the same? What does my future look like? And then on the other side of the coin, you can ask yourself, well, what are the possibilities? The potential what could be the value of stepping fully into this space into this belief model into this idea, and these practices? What could happen? And as you ask yourself that question, you'll really find the answer for yourself about whether or not this is something that you are prepared to commit yourself to. And I just love that quote. I'm sure I don't have it exactly right. But something along the lines of when one is committed, Providence moves to something about all of the universe conspires in your favor, something like that. But it is very much true. Something I found and I'm not here to convince anybody to change anybody's mind. I am here though, just to provide these ideas for you to think about. Where am I on this topic? How do I really feel? You certainly deserve to live the life that you can imagine?